Friday, December 24, 2010

Hapi krismas blo yu

Mi wanem se olgeta frends blong mi "Wan hapi krismas blo yufula ol". 

Thanks to Eslyn for sending me this Vanuatu Christmas greeting
The Vanuatu adventure came to end last Monday (20 December 2010) morning when I left Port Vila but that won't mean I will close this blog straightaway. I have a few pictures and stories to add. 

I managed to pick up a nasty bug while I was away and its effects are still with me. I have no idea from what (water, food, ???) or when and where I ingested the offending item but whatever it was it certainly packs a bit of punch - an excellent way to lose weight but it does mean I am missing out on all the treats of the Christmas table.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone...

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