Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What's new on BBMLV (short for Blog blong mi lo Vanuatu)?

I have made a few changes to the Blog tonight. It is amazing what you can achieve when the internet connection is stable for more then 15 minutes. In fact it hasn't dropped out all night.

Firstly, I have limited the number of posts to 3 per page to make more space for a couple of gadgets. The archive link on the right side of page contains a link to each post so if the post you would like to read is not on the main page check in the archive.

Secondly, the latest gadget (at the bottom of the page) is a five-day weather forecast so you can see what delightful weather I am enjoying at the moment. Don't be too envious as we are now officially in cyclone season - we did an emergency cyclone drill last week to see how quickly we could contact all the team members in the event of a code red cyclone alert (it helps if you have your mobile telephone switched on, which I didn't have in my case so the drill was not so successful in my case). The only thing the forecast gadget doesn't show is humidity which I have no doubt you will be pleased to know is sitting around 80-90% at the moment - stiiiicky.

And finally, I trying to work out how to embed a Youtube video with scenes from South Pacific underneath the weather gadget. South Pacific is one of my favourite, no actually my favourite, musicals and its inspiration came from the time James Michener spent here in Vanuatu on Espiritu Santo during WWII. I discovered the other day that Bloody Mary was most likely modelled on a Tonkinese brothel owner in Luganville than Aggie Grey in Apia, Samoa who I had previously thought was the source for this amusing character. It makes sense as a number of Tonkinese were brought to Vanuatu by the French in the early part of the twentieth century and settled on Santo. My intention is to change the videos with different numbers from the musical. Let's see how it goes...

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